Friday, December 18, 2009


Sometime I wake up, unable to believe what had just happened. The course of my life has been a roller coaster , surprising me, one after another!

I couldn't believe that I went on a date with someone so incredible. He has all the 'C's that a typical Singaporean girl could ever want, and more... In all honesty, he was charming, very handsome, immensely impressed me and I thought we got along very well, considering we've only met just once before. It was extremely flattering for him to ask me out, but we just didn't click romantically. He was so sweet, but I simply don't want to lead him on, since I think it's not going to work out 'that way'. I gave us both a shot, and didn't regret it. I tried, he tried, and there's no harm in trying. Still, I hope we will be able to be good friends, as I AM interested in a good friendship! My Christmas wish? For him to find Miss Right soon =)

... because I know how lonely it can be sometimes

And then my housemates still had my birthday surprises rolling in till Wednesday (I think). A brand new IKEA mattress was delivered to our doorstep for me, that is so uber sweet/thoughtful/lovely of them! One night on that magical mattress, and my backache has gone... like *poof*!!!

Surprises also came in the form of cards and greetings, that kept rolling in for me through the mail =) I LOVE CARDS!!! <3

Snow fell on Thursday, and that sure made everyone very excited! Watching the snow fall from gently to blizzardy ( for a brief moment ) was so romantic, we even had a warm bowl of porridge, and Christmas songs ready to savour the moment. What a waste it was to not have a someone special to share it with at that very moment!

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas, is a white blanket of snow, and for my birthday wishes to come true =) I'll try and be good, promise! x

Love Ling.

Merry Christmas my lovelies, and have a Happy New Year too.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Perhaps outdated by now, but I've just discovered...

CHANEL No.5 's Advertorial, starring Audrey Tautou

Incredibly sexy, smoldering romance, yet understated, another piece of art well done. The ad tickles the desire in every woman, to be wanted and seduced the man of their dreams...

"I'm a fool to want you"

In this case, a very handsome one too =)

p/s: Though Tatou has a stunning face, she looks anorexic. Some curves would have added some feminine charm!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

My Birthday!

Big Thank You to everyone who helped me celebrate my birthday, be it just a simple Facebook message, or partner-in-crime in making me drink...!

Family Photo on my 21st! Thanks to Skype, and Mummy for the wonderful cake, which I'm sure tastes super delicious. Why is my family so cool XD

It was a fantastic birthday, and I enjoyed myself loads! I love you all so much <3
THANK YOU for such an awesome 21st birthday celebration!!!!

Blogging will be put aside for now, as I'm up to my neck with a gazillion little To-do tasks...