Following my unfortunate bus incident, the same evening, I was at the ever-impressive Magic Soc Gala Show 2011 =)
A show that was pioneered by the Magic Society founder Chris Martin, and then relaunched years later by the 2009/2010 commitee (Albert, Graham and myself) to its maximum grandness, that it won the coveted prize of all event organizers, Best Event 2009/2010. It was our brainchild, and our success. Albert and myself poured so much of our souls into it last year, that we just couldn't miss this years show, presided over by Graham!

The show was spectacular, showcasing the brilliance of Romany, Roy Davenport, and Jonathan Shotton, who had to pull out from our show last minute due to ill health. I was even made honorary First Aider Volunteer, because they needed someone at the time, and my latest First Aid Certificated just arrived the previous day! Hehe :) The success of the show, of course, has to be credited to the astounding dedication of the Organizing Committee & Volunteers *applause*
And boy it was £10 super well spent! Especially when you can be part of the show:-

That's me being levitated by the magnificent Jonathan Shotton! Who gets to float around on a magic carpet nowadays aye? Teeheehee... Lucky me, but I didn't get to enjoy my own show for I could only take in the view of the ceiling at Studio 7 at the time. At least that is one thing crossed off the Things-I-have-to-do-before-I-die list =)
Pardon the screenshots, as FB has made it difficult to steal those pictures, and I haven't been able to get hold of the original files yet. Try to ignore my other activities!
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