Alas, another summer placement with Boots has ended, with mixed feelings this time. Now that I'm not having anymore income, I've abandoned posh Oxford for good old Nottingham. Where life is more affordable.
To sum up the experience, it was enriching, but mostly enlightening. Fortunately for me, I remember the bulk of the stuff that I've learnt from my previous summer placement, so settling into work was not a problem. This allowed me more opportunities to polish up all the skills that I have, to develop my style of communication, and also to brush up clinically. It was a very pleasant surprise to know that 3 years into my degree, and I'm already pretty much equipped with most of the things I need to work in a pharmacy.

This is Nathalie, my tutor & a very experienced pharmacist.
Simply speaking, it was her dispensary, and she rules it with her Golden Rules. Hahaha, and believe or not, 2 weeks of telling off later, I was happily working within the comfort of the rules. I was trained with discipline and sensibility under her supervision. What we both have in common is our vertical challenges in reaching the top shelf.

For our top shelf woes, we had Toyosi, ex-Pre-Registration Pharmacist, current Post-Registration Pharmacist. So tall I never could peek at the crown of his head to see if he was bald over there, LOL. Talented bloke, and not one to go easy on the freshie summer student, he threw question after question in my direction. And I thank him for that, for I need the push. Now a freshly pharmacist, I wish him the best career.

Marjan, our part-time dispenser was really sweet, and funny. She's a friend of another summer student within the region, and that's how I got to know Ramak better. Hahaha... She left on holiday before I did. Hope she had a great holiday.

Monica, 18 and engaged. I am so jealous. For I have a bad feeling I'm going to be 81 and still be single. Loads of fun, and a talented dispenser in the making.

Alice, our sole solution to the Healthcare Counter, before I came by of course! A trainee Healthcare Advisor, she's nearly there, determined to take her last test before she goes on maternity leave. Baby David's gonna be out soon and I wish her all the best.

Meet my buddy, funky Renita from Estonia! Will miss her cheekiness everyday T__T

Lovely, sweet Kate from Poland, also very pregnant. (What is up with this store?) She's our permanent Trainee Dispenser, with only me and the pre-reg to help her out. I was lucky that she is a very patient woman, who tolerated well with my inability to locate items which I like to blame on my poor eyesight.

The latest addition to the Summertown family, Anne the new Pre-Reg! Oh, that girl's got attitude and Disney in her cells! Pity I hadn't met her sooner. But I know I will see her again, a qualified pharmacist!
Also, I will not forget Paul, Sarah, and Brigid who has been so kind to me throughout my placement.
As you can tell, everything at Summertown was awesome, except for the fact that Boots offerred me a position for after my graduation, in.... LOUTH. Ugh. Don't even get me started on that.
*rolls my eyes*
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