My recommendation: get the Lumix DMC-FX8 camera now!
(Panasonic should be paying me for the advertising...)
The night ended, with lots of stars. No, not the type of stars u see in the night sky. Its the stars you 'see' for straining to keep ur eyes open while focusing at the camera's blinding flash... However, I have to say it was worth every single star I saw that night. I've got the photos up HERE. Password: 0501pm2.
Please click the BLUE line that says "CAL GRADUATION BALL 2006" for MORE photos.
Like every other Prom Nights, there are 'awards' for a lucky minority. Sadly, none of the ''scouts'' saw any PM2-ers that night. I'm sure there would've been a PM2-er up there on the stage in the running for a new Motorola cellphone, IF the ''scouts'' did pay a little more attention to the tables at the back. Oh well, what's done is done. I hereby present to you, our very own CAL Graduation Ball Oscars 2006!!!
On the red carpet,
Arriving ala-stars.

The boys looking charming in their suits...

while the girls are the stunners in their dresses.

extra shot for the lovely girls,

And now, for Best Hair-do...
Female Category: Pei Xian

LOVE those curls, and the little tiara. This ultimate Princess-look.
Male Category: Denny

A style not even the wind can mess with.
Best Dressed...
Female Category: Yen Sun

A break from the conventional black, Yen Sun shows that Baby Blue is the colour to go.
Male Category: Chong Ming

Another one who didn't turn up in the usual black and white. Purple is your colour dude. (and formal wear is like your second skin.)
Best Make-up: Zuo-En

Daringly dark, this green make-up made girls go green with envy.
Best Poser: Poh Seik

He deserves it, for being the all time favourite poser.
Special Awards:
Best Cartoon Impersonator: Seetho

Seetho, you look more like Mickey Mouse than ever in this shot.
Best Bodyguards: Chong Ming and Anthony

"Somebody's gonna get hurt real bad..."
Best Photographers: Everybody

Cue: Applause for all the winners.
Thank you all for weight-lifting our cameras, stoning at a pose for a looong a period of time, suffering mouth cramps for smiling too much... I hope to see you all again for the Redang Trip. Missing you guys already, muax!
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