As a continuation from where I last left off...
(I have this uncanny need to fulfill some imaginary obligation to report my CNY week to my parents, I think I have Permanent head Damage already. So bear with me please.)
I attended the Refresher's Fayre last week, along with pretty much everyone else I know. The phrase "FREE DOMINO'S PIZZAS" travels fast! Especially when we're talking about consistently hungry university students, and the cheapskate ones. *COUGH COUGH* Lunch of the day? FREE PIZZAs. Great. Saved me plenty of cooking, and washing time, gained multi-hundred calories along with that, what's not to like? =P
Another good idea that I heard from a friend, is to register for a new Boots Advantage Card, even if you already have one. You'll get another Boots Goody Bag! We're talking about Body Lotion, Shower Creme, Comb, Cosmetic pouch and Lipstick here. At least, that's what I found in mine. Normally, I don't wear Lipstick, but this 17 Smooth & Matte Nearly Nude shade is really, nude =) It gives this hint of colour without really being there. I super duper love it! Gonna find an excuse to take it out for a test run! Kelvin Cookie Monster also gave me the lipstick he got, hahaha!
On Wednesday, I finally gave in to many of Herman's calls to attend the Mandarin Christian Fellowship. To be honest, I have sinned with my absence at the chapel since the semester ended. Paris, Hereford and Exams were in the way! To welcome a new group of exchange students from the China Ningbo campus, the "old" members, (that's us, yeah, OLD, pfft!) came up with some dishes to provide them with a sumptious dinner spread. There were rice, fried noodles, curry chicken, vegetables, dumplings, omelettes, apple crumble and custard. I, The-One-Who-Decided-to-go-at-the-Very-Last-Minute, managed to cough up a potato salad from my kitchen. Turned out that the potato salad was fairly popular as well, with 95% gone at the end of dinner. In return, I was drilled on my proficiency in Chinese. Despite studying the language for a total of 10 years, (eh, I took SPM Chinese and didn't fail ok), I still struggle to keep up with them. HELP! I'm being banana-fied!! The HORROR!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! Be a good boy and please eat more and grow taller than me. If not I will disown you. Heh heh. Just kidding about the last part.
On Thursday there was a Steamboat session at St.Peter's Court, organized by YitLing, Rachel, Irene, PuiLing and the rest of the SPC talented chef gang! The. Tom. Yam. Was. Out. Of. This. World. Spiced the lights out of my tongue, I thought I will never be able to tasted the gorgeous aroma of salted fish again! BUT! The taste was beyond heavenly... *dreamy* Something like taking heroin and experiencing euphoria! Thank you GIRLS, the dinner was amazing! I'll be lazy and post Brian's blog instead if you're interested in the Mr.Charming himself and the pictures :P Wah see, Brian I'm promoting you =)
part III: My weekend in London.
part III: My weekend in London.
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