Monday, October 20, 2008

cant work in malaysia?

Dear Mummy,

It's approximately 5am in Malaysia now so I dare not wake you up. And I know you read my blog. I pray that you will read this morning!

I've just realized something. You know I have a folder for all my certificates and qualifications?
Well I THINK I stuffed it in the DHL box as well. The one that DHL destroyed. (Story below)

Yes, my paperwork for A Levels, SPM, PMR, UPSR, PTS, Piano, Mental Arithmetic, Cambridge ESOL, IELTS, Competitions, Positions, are all in there. Both ORIGINALS and VERIFIED COPIES.

Without my SPM cert, I think I can't go back and work in Malaysia anymore. And there will be nothing else to back my qualifications anymore. All the claims in my Curricullum Vitae are henceforth pointless.

Please check for me if it's still where I usually keep it. My other non-clothes cupboard, the shelf below the drawers. You will remember it as the RED clear folder.

Thanks mummy, and email me the results please. I will be in Lab all day.



Faith said...

Try to ask Jame Smith in School of Pharmacy in Nottingham Uni, she might have copies of your qualifications when you apply university.
Hope it helps, cheers!

Jordan Tan said...

Hey gal I don't know you but I really hope you do get over this. Be strong, persevere.

They used to be a time when I was younger I always have that THIS IS IT MAN mentality. But in the end I'm still here very much alive writing this to you.
I never really died.

Point is, every problem has a solution. Maybe it might take some time or money or heartache, but there is a solution to this.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

remember what i said to you when we spoke earlier, "think poisitive and everything will be ok!!"