Monday, May 26, 2008

Souled out pix

Date : 13th May 2008
Time : Dinner till late
Venue : Souled Out, Hartamas.

Alright, I confess. I'm too lazy to send these pictures one by one to everybody because my bum has got too heavy since Penang. Click on the pictures to get the full sized version of my eye bags, pimples and Taa-daa...! You get the pictures without me bombarding your mailbox quota, getting irritated by sucky internet connection, or wait another few more weeks. It's a win-win for everybody =)

A big shout goes to DeeSin, for being such an angel to give us a ride, ChongNgie and Duncan for yawning with us at a corner, Chien Hui for buying the movie tickets and all who helped take these beautiful pictures =) Happy holidays...

P/s: Pictures are not photoshopped, partly because I suck at it, and so that you guys get the high quality photos.

Yen Kheng, Wee Yuen, Ju Li, Myself

Grace de la Gracie looking very sexy.

Grace and Myself.

Myself and Dr.Morris

Ngee Zheng and Dr.Morris cum celebrity.

Dr.Morris, Elaine, Yen Kheng

Duncan, ChongNgie, an intimate drink, and their entwined straws *wink*

Grace, Siow Chin and Yummy Fruit Punch

Our lab superheroins, Ju Li, Myself and Cheryl.

Myself and Dr.Billa.
I love this shot, my nose looks mighty fine in the lighting, heh heh.
Dr.Billa's nose shining like a miliion dollar diamond.
Cheh, blond moment there...*hair toss*

Ju Li, Mandeep, and myself...
...failing the sexy pose rather unsexily =(

Ju Li and Grace entwined by love straws.
Tsk tsk tsk, public display of affection, naughty girls.

Shy Lih, Siow Chin, Dr.Morris, Elaine, Grace

Mr Wong my tutor , Mrs Wong and Myself.

Mr & Mrs Wong with their unofficially adopted Ju Li =)

Sara looking effortlessly beautiful, being papparazzi-ed by me.

With Mr. Gandhi.

With the female counterparts of my lab saviors.

Jawad the lab partner and Augustine the half brother.

Chong Ngie, Dr.Morris, Kelvin a Darlie advertisement audition...

Ju Li, Chong Ngie, Chong Zen, Myself.

Ju Li, Dr.Ting, and shorty me.

And then a series of severe Camwhorism follows, starring:

Christine Ju Li
Pek San
Ying Ying Myself




Pek San knows I've gone bonkers.

Ju Li, Myself, Pek San

With Neil, our basketball MVP =)

With Chong Ngie the almost housemate.

Not forgetting Bad Boy Duncan.

The Tiong Family Portrait.
My brothers Augustine and Ngee Zheng.

Duncan and ChongNgie impressed by Simmi's secondary sexual characteristics.

Ju Li, Simmi, Myself, Dr.Doughty

Hussein tagging along with my camwhoring game.
Next year, I'm tagging along to the clubs ;)

Duncan, Ju Li and Chong Ngie.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Suet Ling, you look very nice + pretty in these photos! You are so photogenic =P